Spring Fling Photos

Thank you Andrew and Johan for the photos of May's Spring Fling in Indian Arm. Groups paddled to Twin Islands (shown in photos) and also to Jug Island, Thwaytes Landing and Rocky Point and had a pizza picnic dinner afterwards. The evening was unseasonably cold but thanks to everyone we made it a fun reunion.

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40th Anniversary countdown: Brooks Peninsular Expedition write-up

SKABC's 40 year Anniversary is Feb 23, 2023. We'll be counting down to the date by publishing features on the 23rd of each month. Here's an inspiring trip write-up from 2011 submitted by Maureen Benzon (click on the link to read her report that includes some amazing photos):

Brooks Kayak Expedition

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Photos: Belcarra invasive plant “paddle and pull”

Thanks to everyone who came out March 16 for the "paddle and pull" with Deb and Kapila. Another opportunity is April 9 and spots are still available as of this posting. This is a cooperative effort through Metro Vancouver Regional Parks -- super worthwhile!

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RapidMedia and WaterWalker Paddling Film Festivals — update

It’s that time of year again - time to sit back (or perhaps on the edge of your seat) and watch some paddling films!

RapidMedia: Members, friends, and the public can watch an excellent selection of paddling films (and support SKABC financially) virtually at your leisure by purchasing tickets to the 16th Annual Paddling Film Festival organized by RapidMedia, the publishers of Paddling Magazine. Those films are sorted into 6 programs: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Adrenaline, Adventure, and Culture, each program providing between 1 and 2 hours of films. Tickets to these programs cost $15 USD, or 3 programs for $31.50 USD. If you use the following link, you’ll be directed to SKABC’s affiliate link, which gives our club a percentage from each ticket, and you get a 10% discount. Here’s the link:



WaterWalker: Most of you, as members of SKABC, are aware of our WaterWalker film series. We showed Part 1 of the Film Night on February 26. Stay tuned for Part 2. Those films are broadcast on our VIMEO channel, with discussion and socializing on our Zoom platform. Details on which films will be shown can be found here. Club members will receive a Zoom link by email.

Happy viewing!

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Trip Leader Meeting Thursday Feb 24

Update: Thanks for all who attended. Registration for early season trips is starting in March. If you missed the meeting, you can propose a trip using the Trip Posting Form -- log in and find it under the Trips menu.

Interested in organizing or leading a club trip?  Your help in offering members opportunities to get together in person to paddle will be hugely appreciated!  Join us Thursday via Zoom with your ideas and proposed dates for club trips.  The Zoom link is in the Event listing (log in to view as this is for members only).

We’re hoping to offer a variety of day trips -- especially early in the season so members can get to know other paddlers.  Multi-day destinations will be popular as well.  Some ideas are:

  • Day trips in the Lower Mainland
  • Paddle series on weekday evenings
  • Howe Sound - day and overnight
  • Gulf Islands overnight
  • Multiday on Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island
  • Themed trips like cooking, conservation, walk-on ferry, or mentoring
  • Group camping weekends

Info about becoming a leader or coordinator is in the Trips menu of the website (log in to view all the resources). There is also a new Trip Posting Form where you can submit your trip proposal anytime.

All members interested in organizing club trips are encouraged to join in. Hope to see you then!


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