Message from the President – About SKABC

Presentation given by George Prevost to the February 16, 2023 cross-club meeting hosted by BC Marine Trails

The Sea Kayak Association of BC (SKABC) was first registered under the BC Society Act on February 23, 1983, which makes us 40 years old a week today.

We’re based in Vancouver and have been averaging about 230 members for the past few years, some from as far away as Portland, Oregon and Medicine Hat, Alberta. We hold club meetings the first Monday of each month, currently on Zoom. We offer a wide variety of trips each year, ranging from regularly scheduled day paddles in local waters to overnight and multi-day trips further afield. Members also use our online forum to arrange their own day paddles and trips.

Over the years we have created a number of club courses with professionally developed curricula. These are offered to our members on a cost-recovery basis (i.e. cheap) with unpaid club members providing the instruction. Our courses include:

- Beginners’
- Boat Handling and Rescues
- Currents
- Navigation
- Trip Leaders’
- Weather
- Kayak Camping Best Practices

We also offer workshops in various areas including Improving Your Kayak’s Decklines, Greenland Paddle Carving, Knots and Tarps, and Packing your Kayak.

On the social side, for many years we have held a May Spring Fling which combines various day paddles with a dinner hosted by the club and is seen by many members as the unofficial start of the paddling season. We’ve recently added a similar Fall Fling held in late September and this year we’re hoping to have a number of mini-flings, combining land-based workshops and/or day paddles with club-sponsored lunches. We also have a long-weekend camping get-together at Newcastle Island each September and a yearly Christmas party.

However, what I am most proud of are our various efforts to give back to the community. Each year we offer adults from the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organizations an opportunity to paddle together in double kayaks with the little brothers and sisters that they befriend and support, and over the past several years we have also held a number of invasive plant removal workdays in conjunction with Metro Vancouver Parks.

However, by far our biggest contribution has been to the network of marine campsites in Howe Sound. I remember visiting the area about 25 years ago and being very disappointed by the minimal opportunities for camping along the mostly steep and rocky shorelines, so disappointed I didn’t return for many years. Now, if you visit the area, you’ll find six new, well-developed, easy accessible campsites available to all paddlers free of charge. How did that happen?

In 2014 and 2015 BC Marine Trails, Trans Canada Trails, and Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC) created six new paddle-in campsites in Howe Sound at a cost of around $25,000, mostly provided by Trans Canada Trails. In 2017 SKABC signed an agreement with RSTBC to maintain the sites, which we have continued to do since then, while also making many improvements to the infrastructure. Currently there are:

- Boat runs cleared by volunteers at the four sites with rocky beaches.
- Steel food caches at each of the six sites.
- Composting toilets at each of the six sites: Five built by contractors and one built by SKABC volunteers.
- Thirty-one tent sites, many cleared by SKABC volunteers.
- Ten tent platforms – three contractor-built and seven built by SKABC volunteers.
- Seven picnic tables – one built by a contractor and six built by SKABC volunteers.
- Two log bridges – one built by a contractor and one built by SKABC volunteers.

How was all of this paid for?

- SKABC has contributed slightly more than $45,000.
- The club has applied for and been awarded a total of $30,000 dollars in grants that have been spent on the project.
- We’ve saved money by scrounging second-hand building materials and using them wherever possible, and by having much of the work done by SKABC volunteers.

What about maintenance?

- SKABC site stewards keep an eye on the sites and they and other volunteers do the routine maintenance work required to keep the sites clean, tidy and safe. SKABC pays for the necessary equipment and materials, including toilet paper!

Plans for this year include the installation of three additional tent platforms, improvements to the existing boat runs, and replacing three of the steel food caches with larger, more durable aluminum ones.

We’re involved in another initiative, too. You may have heard in the news of plans for a large walk-in campsite at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island. Well, with much less fanfare, a paddler-only campsite, similar to the Howe Sound sites, is being developed at Apodaca Provincial Park on the east side of Bowen. SKABC involvement started with repeated lobbying of BC Parks to get them to finally follow through with long-standing plans for a water access campsite. We then helped to arrange the required archeological assessment and contributed about thirty-five hundred dollars to the $13,000 cost of this assessment. We also applied for and then received and spent two BC Parks Enhancement Fund grants: $3,000 for trail work and $5,000 for four tent platforms. We are waiting for BC Parks staff to set a date this spring for our volunteers to build the platforms: the necessary materials have already been delivered to the site. BC Parks will build a composting toilet and, if all goes well, the campsite may be open for use as early as this summer.

What about the future? After the various expenditures I’ve already described we still have a significant amount in our Legacy Fund. This money is intended to be used for the long-term benefit of sea-kayaking and sea-kayakers and we’re always looking for worthwhile ways to spend it. Suggestions are welcome and of course you’re always welcome to join our club and help with the work!

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Picnics and parties – photos from 2022

Social events this season included picnics at Locarno and a Christmas party. Here are some photos:

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RapidMedia Film Fest — watch anytime

Members, friends, and the public can watch an excellent selection of paddling films (and support SKABC financially) virtually at your leisure by purchasing tickets to the 17th Annual Paddling Film Festival organized by RapidMedia, the publishers of Paddling Magazine. Starting Summer 2022, the new films are sorted into 3 programs: Adrenaline, Adventure and Voices, each program providing between 1 and 2 hours of films. Tickets to these programs cost $15 USD, or 3 programs for $31.50 USD. If you use the following link, you’ll be directed to SKABC’s affiliate link, which gives our club a percentage from each ticket, and you get a 10% discount. Here’s the link:

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Southern Gulf Islands Trip — report and photos

South Gulf Island Trip Report - April 23-29, 2022
Submitted by Kevin A

A weeks kayaking trip to the Southern Gulf Islands sounded awesome when I saw it posted. However I was also a bit apprehensive. I had yet to do what I call a shake out trip to get ready. This trip was doing long distances and moving everyday. Sure by August no problem but in April, I am not sure my body was up for it. Then I started to look at the weather of pouring rain for 2 days. Our leader Nick's response - be flexible. Bring a cart and we can just jump on a ferry.

So Nick, Kapilia and I showed up at Tsawassen Ferry terminal drop off area, with all kayaks loaded with gear on our carts. We were catching the 8:55 am ferry to Mayne. We had adjusted our itinerary to go to Galiano and join the Nav course for potluck. I was sold on this idea, because Montague Harbour campsite is a great group campsite. It meant we didn’t have to haul water on the ferry. Also, you can have fires.

So we saw Susan & Richard J on the ferry. Nick did some last minute planning with some input from Richard. Susan & Richard got off at Studies Bay and we continued on to Village Bay. We wheeled our kayaks off and had to navigate a speed bump and narrow gate to get to the beach launch.

We strapped our cart frame with a pool noodle to our kayak and put the wheels beyond the peddles in the cockpit. We then head out to Montague.

It’s always a bit intimating when you have to cross a ferry’s path. Especially when we got to Active Pass, because two ferry’s typically pass each other in that section. So you pray that you don’t screw up and don’t see the ferry as you make the crossing. We managed without any incident and made it to our destination.

We hauled our gear to the group campsite and setup our tents. The Nav course was going on at the beach and I took the opportunity to enjoy the peace and quiet and relax.

Around 5 o’clock the Nav group finished up their first day with Rick. So happy hour began. I was offered red wine by Deb but knew that wouldn’t be good for me. Then Kelly offered me a cooler. Now, that was an offer I couldn’t refuse and definitely made a great start to the trip. We had a delicious pot luck by the group and then followed by a fire.

Sunday we had planned to go to Shingle Bay with a stop at James Bay on Prevost. It was a perfect day, with no wind and a favourable current. We made it to James Bay and checked out the campsites. We were all feeling pretty good so we made a change of plan. We decided to go to Portland Island instead. On the way we stopped at Grandma’s beach for lunch on Salt Spring.

After lunch we paddled to Shell Beach to camp for the night. We arrived on the beach to see a dinghy.

Kapila noticed a ravenous raven had been eating all the food in it. As we were unpacking our gear a young couple showed up and Kapila told them what had happened. They laughed because the crow had left them the gummy worms.

We setup our site and then the black flies arrived. I hadn’t expected bugs so early but they were glad to see us. We started cooking dinner when the wind picked up. This was a blessing because it kept the bugs away. After dinner it got really windy and I decided to head into my tent. No more then 5 minutes later it

was raining and windy. I was hoping I had pegged my tent down well, because I didn’t want to leave my comfy sleeping bag for any reason. The good thing is that wind and rain meant a good sleep because it is good background noise.

Next morning it had cleared up. Our next destination was a stop at Sidney Island and then to camp at D’Arcy Island. We headed toward Sydney Spit. I was looking at my chart and Kapila his GPS. Kapila was questioning Nick about the Island we were heading too. Nick said it was Sydney Spit but Kapila wasn’t so sure since his GPS indicated it was James. We hadn’t been to Sydney Spit before and didn’t dispute our leader. However as we got closer we realized it was James. So we had to head back towards Sydney Spit. This is when the wind and rain started and we had to put in some effort to make it.

The good thing when we arrived it had a shelter with tables and a wall of food caches. So we decided we would camp at Sydney Spit instead of pressing on. We got all our gear into the shelter. Just then the rain and wind stopped and the sun came out. We turned the whole shelter into a laundry room and hung all our wet gear everywhere.

I had debated about setting up my tent inside the shelter as there was space enough to fit all of our tents. After seeing Nick set his up his tent on the tenting site I decided to do the same. However Kapila decided to stick with the shelter.

Because we had this shelter and table Kapila decided he would do the cooking for the group. He was doing his chef duties on all 3 of our stoves and created a wonderful meal.

As was getting the routine, Nick and Kapila would go wondering the island while I would kick back with my camp chair and read.

Next morning we packed up our gear and headed to Darcy. The paddle was a bit solitary, as it was windy and you couldn’t really chat. When we got to the crossing over to Darcy the wind seemed to have calmed and for the most part was a fairly easy. We got to the suggested landing but opted to go to another landing that was better. The only problem it meant a long haul of gear to the tent pads. Nick and I decided to make the trek but Kapila decided to camp by the kayaks.

Darcy is a interesting campsite, since it’s a former leper colony. I came across a plaque that listed all the names of people that had died there. The majority of them where of Asian descent.

Next destination was Rum Island. It was a fairly short paddle there. But just as we were nearing the wind and rain arrived. We decided to stop for lunch and look at the 3 tent pads they had. I pulled out my poncho just for such an occasion to stay dry. After lunch we decided to stay. It was a really good decision because the sun came out and we had one of the most scenic sites of the trip.

Just around dinner time we were all just taking it easy when I heard voices. Next thing I know, is I see 3 kayakers. I say hello and ask them if they are planning to camp. They say they were and we said we could easily share the platforms. So Nick decides to meet them on the landing beach. However they never show up, which we couldn’t explain.

Next morning, we decide to have a late start and take advantage of the current and head to Shingle Bay. When a of a sudden a guy comes out of seems like nowhere. It was one of the kayakers just wandering the island. He told us they had found a nice spot to camp.

Around noon we got in our kayaks and head toward Shingle Bay. Nick’s suggestion to take advantage of the currents was a good one. We made a lunch stop at Thieves Bay, hoping to find water. A kind resident filled our water bottles for us. It made for such a easy paddle that we arrived in record time at Shingle Bay

After setting up camp and having lunch, Nick and Kapila just had to do a walk. So I did what I do best, chill out in my chair with a book. As I am doing this, I see this Raven poking around Kapila’s site. I go check it out only to see a couple of Granola bars that he had left in his hurry to get out and walk.

After dinner we had made a group decision to cut our trip short by one day. We had listened to the weather forecast and it was predicted to bring wind and rain the following evening. Once that decision had been made you then start to look forward to going home.

Next morning while having breakfast we had 4 deer come through our camp. It was a nice start to the day that only got better. We had decided to catch the 5:30 pm ferry from Mayne, so we had a full day to do some sightseeing. Nick had suggested we head over to Richardson Bay and check out the light house. Then go to Dinner Bay to check out the Japanese Gardens on Mayne.

Just as we are heading out Kapila has problems with his spray skirt. So we make a stop at the National Park office. It seems Kapila’s cord had untied. So 3 of us managed to get it back functioning again with Nick’s multipurpose tool.

This stop also allowed us to look around. We happen upon a women truck driver that was unload parts to make outhouses, which Nick appreciated.

We got on track and headed toward the lighthouse for lunch. However the crossing to Prevost was a bit more dramatic. We were making the crossing when the ferry to Swartz Bay comes out of Active Pass. We stop in the middle of the channel and we wait for it to set Its course. Then we start paddling again only to see it’s course right toward us. We then decide to wait and it passes us and then we make it to shore.

After lunch we head over to Dinner Bay. We walk through this sports field with this amazing complex sponsored by the Lions Club. Hidden in the frisbee golf course is a trail that leads to the gate of the gardens. Entering the garden was amazing with it’s pond and bridge with Cherry Blossoms. It was put there to honour the Japanese family’s who had lived on Mayne but interned during the war.

After a nice visit in the gardens we headed toward Village Bay and headed home.

It was a really fun trip and Nick is a awesome trip leader. We all enjoyed ourselves and learned some of the history of BC along the way. It has also opened up our eyes to doing more walk on ferry trips to do more Gulf Island adventures in the future.

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Trip to Gambier Island – report and photos

Trip to Gambier Island, May 21-23, 2022

Lots of enthusiastic comments of ‘great trip’ came from the group that enjoyed the May Long Weekend trip to Gambier Island. Lead by Nick, we all knew we were in good hands. It was a nice balance of experienced paddlers and a couple of beginners. Andrew and Catriona are real keeners. They recently started the sport and already have taken several courses and got all the equipment. Rushing to get on the water one day, Catriona expressed to Deb and me her nervousness about holding people up. Deb and I empathized with her and said we felt the same way, even though no one was worried about it. We are all there just to enjoy ourselves.

George, club president, joined us even though his preferred trips are in the north and west parts of Vancouver Island. When asked if he would sweep he at first said, “But I like to explore out front.” Nick, in his wisdom, suggested that being sweep would slow him down. George not only enjoyed it but volunteered to sweep the rest of the trip. Nick was lead. If I ever lead a trip with Nick in it, I will ask him to sweep (☺) He can sure paddle fast!

What a joy to travel with SKABC members. And what a treasure trove of information they are. People shared ideas of new equipment and ways of doing things. I particularly want to thank Kevin for helping me get started on using Technology! - such a challenge. Iveta has hiked, climbed, biked and kayaked throughout the world. The only thing she seems to find a challenge is snakes. She managed to find 3 of them near her tent! Kapila, was like a puppy on the water. Paddling out front, to the side, to the back, and back round again checking in with folks. Showing off (I mean practicing) his bracing skills and beautiful greenland paddle. If you ever paddle with Colleen, I recommend you watch her paddle stroke. It is a thing of beauty.

The weather was perfect with hardly any wind. We left from Brunswick Beach, just past Lions Bay. (Parking is near the turn off from the Sea to Sky Highway to Brunswick Road). The beach is nice but there were logs to scramble over. With no wind the launch was easy. Took about 1 1/2 hours to cross to Halkett Point on Gambier. We stopped for lunch at the provincial park at the end of Halkett Bay. There is an outhouse and a few camp sites with picnic tables a bit in from the shore. Another 1 1/2 hour paddle brought us to Breakwater on Gambier. A big sign on the rocky breakwater says Hazard - Use at Own Risk. Behind it is a floating dock. Up from there is where Trudie V, a long-time club member, has offered SKABC members to camp and use a cabin. We pitched 7 tents and a hammock and there was room for more.

Next day we explored the southern part of Gambier and had lunch at Sir Thomas Lipton Park in West Bay. This is a neat undeveloped site with an outhouse and lots of places to camp. It can also be reached by land. Nick has taken his bike on the Langdale ferry, then transferred to the foot passenger boat to New Brighton on Gambier. Then rode his bike to this site. We paddled along the west side of West Bay but George had some serious relaxing to do back at camp so went back with a few folks and the rest of us paddled to Grace Islands. From here you can see how close you are to Langdale terminal. Walking on the ferry and then paddling from Langdale would be another option for getting to Breakwater. Water taxies could be a third option. I volunteered to lead the group back. Thank goodness Deb paddled near me and helped with spotting the breakwater.

What a wonderful place to have as a base camp. There are several options for paddles and lots of tenting space and the use of the cabin. We are so grateful to Trudie for her generosity! And to Nick, who has put in days of work into improving the site! Thank you both so much!

If you are interested in using this site, please contact Nick H for more information.

Also, remember that you can check out the map on for great information on other sites throughout BC.

The group included:
Andrew R, Catriona E, Colleen C, Debra M, Kevin A, Iveta J, Kapila J, Cynthia L, George P and Nick H

Reporter: Cynthia L

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