Category Archives: conservation

Articles about conservation. Note: some information may come from the conservation coordinator in SKABC but pertain, e.g. to camp sites. Those articles should (also) be categorized as “trip planning”, since camp site information is relevant when planning a trip.

Progress on campsites in Howe Sound 

SKABC’s first year of official stewardship of the Howe Sound Marine Trails campsites reached a major milestone this past month when the last of the bear-proof boxes was installed. There is now safe storage for food at all of the sites. … Continue reading

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Water use and shore access: let your voice be heard

City of Vancouver survey Let the City of Vancouver have your views about (sea) water use and shore access, to influence planning decisions for future facilities etc. It would not be right if only the highly organized and the competitive … Continue reading

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Wild Encounters Presentation from January 2017 Meeting

Tom Saare from the Fish, Wildlife & Recreation Program at BCIT spoke at the January meeting. He shared tips and guidelines on how to enjoy wildlife, while respecting them in their environment. Tom also provided guidance on how to stay … Continue reading

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Recap: Chained Island Cleanup Collaboration with BCMTNA

SKABCers Rita, John and BCMTNA director Roxanne were part of an 8 person clean up of the Chained Islands off of Quadra Island.  More photos and article here: Chained Islands Masterful Cleanup

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Reminder to minimize impact when viewing whales and other marine wildlife

Fisheries and Oceans Canada asks that paddlers stay 100 m from whales and to stay clear of their path. Detailed guidelines for paddling near wildlife are posted here: Be Whale Wise – Marine Wildlife Guidelines for Boaters, Paddlers and Viewers

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